I read about alternative theories to this event a couple of years ago. Mainly, the person they executed may have been a stooge. There is some belief now that Lindbergh himself may have killed the baby. I believe there were some health issues, and the son would never live up to the expectations of an American Public or Lindbergh.

Many think that the FBI and J Edgar Hoover crapped all over the initial investigation in his need to bring his fledgling FBI into the more extensive discussion as a successful federal enforcement agency. Hoover would have done whatever he needed to do to protect Lindbergh. It is called White Man disease, and the US has, for the last hundred years, covered up many of these crimes or convicted an immigrant or other citizen with less power for the actions of the elite.

Lindbergh was no hero. He was a racist, corrupt white man, like many who have followed him. I am not sure, but I believe the NJ State Police still list this crime as unsolved. As a result, I do not believe this crime was ever solved. Sadly, if that is the case, the child will never receive a peace in death. Stan

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Lindbergh was certainly a racist. Wouldn't even shake the hand of the African-American who found his dead child. Certainly suspect that either the wrong man went to the electric chair, or there were others involved. Think Lindbergh is such an unpleasant character that it's hardly surprising he's suspected of the deed himself. And worth noting the family nurse and her boyfriend were the earliest suspects.

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